Free Stuff

I am constantly being shown useful tools that can help in business. I decided to put together a list here for you. (Keep checking back as we will be adding to it…)


If you are fed up with Skype dropping out during a conversation then Zoom is the answer. You can have up to 25 webcams all displayed at once and even share screens. At the click of a mouse, you can record the whole conversation as an MP4 video straight to your hard disk.
Free for the first 40 mins or you can stretch your budget and pay $10 per month for unlimited mins.

Easy Thumbnails

This is a great free tool for reducing pictures from your camera into manageable facebook, website or e-mail size.


Want to see if anyone is stealing your website content. This free tool will let you know.

Reverse Australia

If you are in Australia and want to see who that missed phone number belonged to, this free tool will tell you.

Profit Mechanics

If you want a Free video and software that shows you how to make more profit from your business, you’ll love this.

Atube Catcher

This amazing piece of FREE software allows you to capture and keep video from You Tube and many other sites. With it you can burn your own DVD’s from You Tube and can even take the soundtrack from video and turn it into MP3 files. It also does video screen capture and so much more…

Pamela Recorder

If want to record both sides of a Skype conversation (Sound and Video screens) then this tool could be the answer. They have both FREE and paid for versions.


How would you like a FREE multitrack recording studio on your computer? Well that is exactly what Audacity is.

more to come…